cloud cloud cloud



About Me

Anntoin Wilkinson

My name is Anntoin Wilkinson. I am an IT professional living in Dublin, Ireland. I am particularly interested in Linux and Open Source technologies.

I can be contacted at: , and I occasionally use my timeline

Click here to add me to your address book1

About this Website

This is a static site hosted by

This site is built from a Gitit wiki that I run locally. A static site is generated with this script, which basically wgets the site from http://localhost:5001/, minifies the CSS and Javascript with the yui compressor, cleans up the HTML with htmltidy, and compresses all text with gzip.

Templates and CSS

The templates and CSS are heavily customised from the default Gitit install.

The templates are written using HStringTemplate which is used by Gitit.

Most of the CSS is my own, with the following exceptions:


Any fancy effects are courtesy of the jQuery library and a couple of nice plugins. If you have Javascript turned off everything should degrade gracefully.

  • jQuery-collapse: Provides the collapsible menu and in-page content.
  • Sly: Is used for page Scrolling.


The fonts used on the site are from the following sources:


Logo adapted from a house and a cloud from

Textures from: Subtle patterns

  1. This vcard was generated by X2V using metadata embedded in this page in the hCard microformat.
